would you advertise in your local community family magazine that you can pick up for free in every restaurant and store, it has articles and tips and tricks and in the back it has advertisements for different business and they have been around for 11 years and have a good rep, or, would you pay a bit more to advertise in a newer equestrian directory that encompasses everything horse and is also free and in stores and hotels and boot barns like the family magazine? Which is more picked up and utilized? Thanks!
If you owned a horse ranch and wanted to advertise riding lessons...?
If you can only afford one, go with the equestrian directory.
But: really you should build into your ad a way to track responses - such as a coupon code or intro offer of some kind. That way, you can test many different media sources and find several that work well for you.
Good luck
Reply:Use both. When it comes down to it, you want to be as noticeable as possible and that often means putting yourself in as many publications as possible. Since you've been around for over a decade, you should have made enough profit to use both.
Call the advertising or sales and marketing department of both publications and find out your options.
Reply:Yes Free community zines.
Local Travel section
Family websites.
Equine horse websites.
Pet sites.
Horse equip store sites.
Ranch sites.
City sites for Tourisim.
Id advertise on:
Family websites
Local Travel sites
Travel directories.
Ranch websites
Equine sites.
Feed sites alone for PR
%26amp; Pet sites.
%26amp; I can offer maybe:
Group BBQ
Ranch Days when guests work at Ranch
Trail police days.
Local clean up events with equines.
More PR %26amp; more fun.
PR your State %26amp; area in ad.
Could bring in more business.
Make ride more than Ride.
Get videocam for download video on site.
Have Myspace website- FREE PR alone.
Many businesses on Myspace alone.
100M users alone %26amp; 2 over 40 age Groups.
Reply:I would go with the local community family magazine, because the family magazine would also reach others that have a potential interest in horses. Those who haven't yet explored the possibility yet, but who may get the idea presented to them. The other magazine only will attract those who already have an interest, and who most likely already know how to ride. So your best marketing is towards those who could be interested in learning and haven't been around horses.
Reply:Both. I would try both publications at the same time for two to three months and monitor results. Ask everyone who calls where they heard about you and track the responses. Make sure to track how many responses you get from each source and also how 'qualified' these responses are. (ie how many calls turn into new customers) If you are trying to grow your business, I would also ask the local feed stores, pet stores, etc if you can put up a flyer (many have bulletin boards, etc.) and I would tell all of your current riding clients to tell friends, etc. Also use craigslist or other internet sites that have to do with anything horsey. Good luck!
C++ Function
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