Monday, April 20, 2009

What's up with all the costumes? Cowboy hats/boots, goth makeup, stoner hair, gangster rides etc?

What%26#039;s going on inside people that makes them have to wear costumes to feel comfortable in public? I mean really, how many people have just come in off the range after driving cattle? How many vampires decided to ride the bus to the grocery store? How many rap stars decided to %26#039;pimp%26#039; out their Honda Accords? How many illegitimate children could Led Zepplin have created?

What%26#039;s up with you people? Do you believe your own BS?!?

What%26#039;s up with all the costumes? Cowboy hats/boots, goth makeup, stoner hair, gangster rides etc?
It called expressing themselves. I personally do not do any of the above things, I have been wearing jeans, t-shirts and a jean jacket since I was in high school and now I%26#039;m almost 45. Is this strange? I don%26#039;t care what others think, it%26#039;s comfortable and I like it. Body acceptance is what everyone should practice. Sometimes it irks me when I see a heavy woman in spandex, but then I think, hey! if she likes it, more power to her. We need less fashion police out there telling us what to wear. Or how to feel. I don%26#039;t care if you%26#039;re naked. Let people do as they will without judgment, as long as they are not hurting anything, leave them alone in their little worlds.
Reply:Hahahahaha! That%26#039;s hilarious!
Reply:Not all goths think they%26#039;re vampires, otherwise your question/rant was compelling and funny. ;) I%26#039;ve noticed the %26#039;fake%26#039; cowboy%26#039; look is fairly pronounced in Texas, where cowboy hats and western-themed gear is worn with abandon, regardless of the fact that (I%26#039;m paraphrasing Dave Barry here) most of them have never interacted with any cow not in the form of a prime rib. Alright, tangent over. Nice question.

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